Ban Appeal

SS14 account: SamsungFridgeGamer
Character name: John from Fortnite
When was the ban: Somewhere between 8:00 PM CST and 4:00 PM CST
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizard’s Den Spider
Your side of the story: I said “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU BLACK RETAAAARD!” as a “very funny joke” to my cousin who destroyed the ship with Singulos. We were the only two people in the server at the time.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I understand that the “joke” was not funny and very racist and offensive. The only person in the server at the time was my cousin so I thought it would be funny to say it to him.
Anything else we should know: No

If you want to say things like that, I suggest running your own server. Official Servers do not allow such language, even when you’re the only player on.


Appeal stale, no reply to daemon. Closing. If you’re still active please open an appeal simply linking to this one, and I will review asap.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals