Ban Appeal

= Post title =

[Autoban?] - Ripmorld

= For game bans =

SS14 account: Ripmorld

Character name: TG scientist (not sure_)
When was the ban: 2022/2/24
Server: Liard us west ?
Your side of the story: I think I originally gets banned until Sunday for bombing the hallway (which i accept). I attempted using two different alt to get back to the game , with one running on a vitrue machine with a different proxy server. They both gets flagged , I have to say I am quite impressed with the levels of alt detection. Although I am not sure why my main account gets flagged as an alt when I tried to log back into the server.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I really appreciate the deepth of this game even as of its current early development release state , and its user protection .I have never played ss13 because of its incompatibilty with my current system. And as for what I can do for the community in return  , I am really not sure , since I am just an amateur in C# . the only thing I can really think of doing is finding and disclosing exploits and bugs . If there are anything I wanted to improve , it is the wiki , there are so many parts missing to it . Although because it is algorithmly generated from the game files , I am really not sure how I can help without an understanding of the code.
Anything else we should know: I did not know my main account was banned until one of the admins informed me on discord , ( personally I think a message should be sent to the users account in the forms on major events such as permabans)

UPDATE : the issue seems to be fixed now

So why exactly did you think that using an alt account, an offense we usually permaban for on the spot, was a good idea for a 24hr ban.

I admit I did not read the section of rule regarding using alt closely , I apologize for that.

Personally I did not taken abusing alt account seriosly until now. I mostly used it to get back to games I love faster and try to avoid the same mistake again.

Also I am pretty sure it was a three day ban instead of a 24 hour ban 

8 minutes ago, Ripmorld said:

I admit I did not read the section of rule regarding using alt closely , I apologize for that.

Personally I did not taken abusing alt account seriosly until now. I mostly used it to get back to games I love faster and try to avoid the same mistake again.

Also I am pretty sure it was a three day ban instead of a 24 hour ban 

Yes. Abusing alt accounts is taken very seriously. If we ban you that specifically means we think you need to take a time out. You tried to circumvent that. How do you think that’s not a big deal? You’re trying to undermine something we specifically have set in place.

It was a 3 day ban, you are correct.

Is it ok to alt on servers I host?


We do not control what players do on servers outside of Wizard’s Den.

I’m going to let it go this time. Do not abuse alts again. Both accounts have been banned.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals