Ban appeal

SS14 account: grnatma1st

Character name: Hungry Harding

When was the ban:Today


Story: I said soft n word in playful way with no possible racism as I am African American.

Why I should be unbanned: I was genuinely playing and having a good time when i made this small slip up leading to my perma ban. 


what about this

LOL omg thats against the rules? Like because its erp? or like can you not say bad words? They were being weird with my in game character body :confused: I do like this game and want to continue playing so like can i get back in the game? I looked at rules and it looks like closest thing would be erp but I would definitely not consider that erotic for myself.

Do you really need to be told not to spam “rape” whenever anyone does something to your character?

I don’t get the joke. There’s nothing funny about it.

Where in the rules is this an issue? I dont want to upset you or anyone but this being an issue doesnt make much sense given the community of this game. I would like to continue playing on these servers and will not repeat these actions. Also you can say the spam was to get the attention of others and it did work as the person attacking me was caught by sec. 

Its been 5 hours I really would like to play no rush but can I get an admin to like forgive my sins and bless me? Nothing I did was a big deal and I am new 

I keep making replies with no answer should i like resubmit this or just wait for answer? no rush its just I got nutin to do an wanna play :slight_smile:

You should wait for an answer.

Well you are a trial admin can you give me an answer or do you not have that power? 

29 minutes ago, grnatma1st said:

Well you are a trial admin can you give me an answer or do you not have that power? 

You should wait. For an answer.

Your hurting me feelings… I want to play NOW!!! Im gonna go WOLF mode and eat you if you do not unban me ROAR!!!

Appeal denied. Re-appeal in a month.

Please act like an adult next time

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals