Ban appeal

SS14 Account : Nafickr

Character Name : Cakrson

When was the ban : 28.03.2022 I was banned on lizard server .

It’s been a week to start this game I really like it but I’m on stıll learning process . I recomended the game to my frıend and I try to learn to hım the game , but I break the external community rule . actually I wasn’t know there was a rule lıke that and we get caught by admın . and also my frıend was a syndıe , he had a duty to kill the botanist and I helped him to do it but I wasn’t syndie. that was the another thıng I break . I’m really sorry . I really don’t want to get banned from thıs server I really enjoy playıng here and I read the all rules now can you give this to my stupid behaviour and unban me please .



How long it takes to reply ?




Look at the other ban appeals and make an inference. We need to discuss it internally. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Your post hasn’t been up for more than a few hours. We’ve got a few others to get to first.

Who is  DarthMalgus?

23 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:

Look at the other ban appeals and make an inference. We need to discuss it internally. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Your post hasn’t been up for more than a few hours. We’ve got a few others to get to first.

Who is  DarthMalgus?

it’s my second account 

Alternate accounts are not allowed, please don’t make any more. 

Ok sorry sir .



what bucket ?


I’m lookıng forward to play again .I’m sorry for what I’ve done .

Appeal accepted. Do not do it again.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals