Ban appeal

SS14 account: egirl_impregnator

Character name: Iantha Garrison

Type of Ban: Space Station 14 Ban

Date of Ban and Duration: March 2020 - >9000

Reason for Ban: Meta communicating

Honest ignorance when it comes to “meta communicating”, I didn’t realize being in a vc with someone who’s in the same session is against the rules but I know now 

Can you kindly explain why you attempted to fool me into ipexempting an alt.

I couldn’t login to the forums at first so I wanted to save time

That’s not appreciated; I’m going to ask you to wait out a couple days now. Ban lowered to two days.
Wait a minute, this ain’t my ban. My bad.


> perma (:

I’m gonna agree with Moony here. Reduced to two days.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals