Ban Appeal

Ban reason: Metacomms, Self antag, a single ERP comment
Length of ban: Only removable by appeal
Events leading to the ban: I cannot remember the exact events leading up to the ban.
Reason the ban should be removed: I believe I should be unbanned because it isn’t exactly fun when you can’t play on the only populated servers in the whole game.

59 minutes ago, LordOfLechuga said:

Reason the ban should be removed: I believe I should be unbanned because it isn’t exactly fun when you can’t play on the only populated servers in the whole game.

It isn’t exactly fun when you actively go out of your way to ruin other people’s experience and hold no regard for the rules by metacomming with your friends/killing random people without cause or escalation.

If you want us to seriously entertain an appeal you are going to need a much better reason. Appeal again in two weeks.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals