Ban reason: Metacomming, Self antaging, a single ERP comment
Length of ban: Until appealed
Events leading to the ban: I don’t remember, it was like 2/3 weeks ago
Reason the ban should be removed: Okay, first off. I didn’t know that comment would be taken as an ERP comment, second off. I was in a discord chat with my friend, and I forgot metacomming was against the rules. Third off, I’ve got nothing to say about self antag, that was a bit against the rules. I promise I won’t break the rules again.
You got banned in 2021 for self antagonism. You appealed that in May. You’ve racked up three bans since then. Your bans and connection attempts appear to almost perfectly line up with you getting on to cause problems over and over again and “forgetting” metacomms is against the rules.
Denied. Appeal with a voucher of good behavior from another server so we can see if you actually do anything other than RDM/metacomm.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals