Ban Appeal


(Alright, here we go again)

Ban reason: Metacomms, self antag on several rounds, ERP comment
Length of ban: Appeal only permanent ban
Events leading to the ban: From what I remember, I was talking about the round in a VC with one of my friends while attacking someone who had an emag in their hands and gibbing them. After that I said something in the chat I didn’t interpret as being an ERP comment. I loaded into the next round, walked around a bit and was banned.
Reason the ban should be removed: I believe a permanent ban for metacomming is a bit much, and I know that the ban wasn’t only for metacomming but still. The self antag on several rounds I didn’t believe was self antaging, from what I remember it was mostly driving around on an ATV driveby punching people. And like I said in the events leading to the ban, I never interpreted that comment as being ERP. I promise I won’t do any of these things again, and I’d like to start playing on wizden servers again

Plantboi is an admin on the Apocalypse station servers

While I appreciate the effort, this is not what we would consider a “voucher”. This is a direct message to a user (whom we have had significant issues with administratively) saying “eh sure” to your request for a “voucher”. This does not assure us of anything such as your playtime on apocalypse, your notes/bans on that server, or how the rest of the administrative team views you on that server.

We would request your voucher come from the server owner or head administrator of that server with a little more information as to what your involvement on that server has been.

Used to be apoc hoster here. Sorry if this is considered peanut posting but I would like to say as of 28th the same month plantboi stepped down from admin staff in apoc.

Also just found out on the apoc server they made a ban appeal on 10/10/2023 for repeated self antag with multiple warnings.

According to them “late or mid September”


Apparently it has expired by now


I mean. They appear as an admin on the discord, I really thought that 7 word exchange would work. Also that appeal was from 6 days before my ban was over.

17 minutes ago, LordOfLechuga said:

I mean. They appear as an admin on the discord, I really thought that 7 word exchange would work. Also that appeal was from 6 days before my ban was over.

You bragged about your ban on apoc it seems. You weren’t even unbanned before then if I’m correct you also were JUST unbanned from the server for self-antagging.

We will not be accepting this voucher due to lack of information supporting the claim, in addition to several concerns brought fourth by other users in this thread.

Any further vouchers are likely to be heavily scrutinized. Denied.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals