Ban but why

SS14 account: Nowife

Character name: Asahi Butterfill

When was the ban: when the server down i play on the EU server but today i login choose the US West it got banned

Ban reason: Racial slurs, Nwords? 

Your side of the story: i have no word i play this 12/7 very good game and boom got ban and i dont know why maybe i say monkey have no right maybe i say the Nwords not that word just say Nword yeah sure maybe i curse some dude because that shout at me i really dont know why 

Why you think you should be unbanned: i did nothing? just want to enjoy the game man come on



12 hours ago, moony said:


i forgot bout that damn i so embarrassed, im sorry because im waste your time, Have a good day. like the previous quote I will enjoy the ban 

All you had to do was acknowledge your mistake and say you wouldn’t do it again.
Try again in a week.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals