BAN EchoB by Moony

SS14 account:  EchoB
Character name: I dont know
Type of Ban: Perma ban from game
Date of Ban and Duration: maybe it was 2 months ago?
Reason for Ban: impersonating staff on a nother server
Server you were playing on when banned: it happend on unofficial server but moony banned me on  main servers
Your side of the story: i was jokingly saying i would be good admin on ur servers i think server owner missunderstood
Why you think you should be unbanned: I think i am good at RP and i love SS14 i also regret from doing it and wont break any rules anymore.

Explain who these are:

  • Hintti69
  • pattera
  • vurzelumlu
  • fokoso2210
  • sartojalma
  • gojey
  • Pata
  • fedrajufyo
  • putrimegne
  • hikkucurdi
  • mitrulopsa
  • EchoP
  • Echo

Just now, moony said:

Explain who these are:

  • Hintti69
  • pattera
  • vurzelumlu
  • fokoso2210
  • sartojalma
  • gojey
  • Pata
  • fedrajufyo
  • putrimegne
  • hikkucurdi
  • mitrulopsa

i use public vpn (WINDSCRIBE) it has only fev ips and its free maybe thats why it connects me to them?

I didn’t know an incredibly large VPN could turn you into other people. You are a match for these users. Tell the truth.

Just now, moony said:

I didn’t know an incredibly large VPN could turn you into other people. You are a match for these users. Tell the truth.

the other accounts are my alt accounts to ban evade. but it was long time ago and i have grown up i am sorry for it

If you can come back with a voucher from an SS13 server for good behavior, I will let you back in.

However you have caused me, a volunteer, a ridiculous amount of work with your antics, and I cannot just up and let you back in.

5 minutes ago, moony said:

If you can come back with a voucher from an SS13 server for good behavior, I will let you back in.

However you have caused me, a volunteer, a ridiculous amount of work with your antics, and I cannot just up and let you back in.

Can you please give me 1 last chance i have played nicely on the server a lot i have like 50 hours + playing normally  i promise i will behave myself


2 minutes ago, EchoB said:

Can you please give me 1 last chance i have played nicely on the server a lot i have like 50 hours + playing normally 


You are free to play on other SS14 servers besides Wizard’s Den, and on any Space Station 13 server.
But you are not being allowed back into Wizard’s Den without us knowing that you will genuinely behave. Someone who has:

  • Ban evaded repeatedly
  • Spammed degrading slurs in chat, including at staff members
  • Feigned honesty and provoked staff, including with threats of ban evasion long before you were initially banned.
  • Literally has 20+ accounts.

Is not being let back in to our servers without really, really good reason.
I recommend playing on Goon or another quality SS13 server for a while. If you’re well-behaved, they will vouch for you and say so if you ask them to.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals