Ban in game martincool for slurs

SS14 account username: martincool
Ban reason: 0 tolerance for slurs
Date of ban: 01/07/23
Length of ban: 2 days
Events leading to the ban: a i was a hidroponic and im was bored so i say the end word for fun and im got ban

Reason the ban should be removed: im just bored and thought it wont be offesive. sorry if im offende some one (sorry my english is poot )

Events leading to the ban: a i was a hidroponic and im was bored so i say the N word for fun and im got ban



hello ?




You can appeal again in three days (Friday, July 7th, 2023) since this appeal is practically illegible, zero effort, and for bumping it twice within 24 hours. 

From Rejected to Ban Appeals