Banned by a trial admin named Repo who lied or dident care lol

Your SS14 Account Username or Discord Handle - CaptainAtlanta 

Discord is UGHUghugh

  • [Summarized Reason for Ban]


= For game bans =


Ban reason: “self antagging and RDM” dude also sayed I lied to Ahelp which quite literally never happend im sure theres a way to look at it, that was just a bold faced lie

Length of ban: 7 days

Events leading to the ban: 

Series of events

>be me

>started as a bartender

>fed a guy cogchamp, made him talk funny he dident like that, broke up my bar with a cutless

>oooOooOooo pirates

>I want to kill pirates 

Anyway I trolled around med end up finding the wardens PDA n getting access to armory n gear up, start looking for pirates and theyre all dead, never once did I go around sabatoging anything, targetting anybody, doing anybody wrong to anyone but somebody from med spotted me n realized I wasent the warden, ended up me trying to make a less than speedy getaway in a hardsuit n the med shoved me right inside the library backroom and I turned around and shot him, got immediatly messaged by the Repo guy so I figured I just shot the admin so fml, accuses me of self antagging when I literally dident in no way shape or form, because im not trying in anyway to harm station, and its not RDM because it wasent random I just dont wanna go to perma for stealing the wardens pda n arming myself for the pirate menace AND I would like someone to find ANY PROOF AT ALL of a “previous instance of RDM and LYING TO Ahelp about it” THAT LITERALLY NEVER HAPPEND.

Anyway, dude dident even bring up “previously lying in ahelp” so thats that, main gripe ive got about it anyway.

Reason the ban should be removed:  because I dident do what the admin accused me of

You immediately came out of the gate swinging assuming you were in trouble for killing an admin. In reality our administrators are not allowed to play and administrate at the same time so this is a moot point.


I would classify breaking into the armory, wandering around with guns, then shooting someone who accuses you of breaking the law and impersonating the warden pretty flatly self-antagonism.

Another administrator already left a note three days ago of you randomly attacking someone in maintenance with intent to kill. I think if anything your sequence of events described pretty fairly what your ban is for.

7 hours ago, lonesoldier55 said:

You immediately came out of the gate swinging assuming you were in trouble for killing an admin. In reality our administrators are not allowed to play and administrate at the same time so this is a moot point.


I would classify breaking into the armory, wandering around with guns, then shooting someone who accuses you of breaking the law and impersonating the warden pretty flatly self-antagonism.

Another administrator already left a note three days ago of you randomly attacking someone in maintenance with intent to kill. I think if anything your sequence of events described pretty fairly what your ban is for.

Wtf do you mean “immediately came out of the gate assuming” like that wouldn’t be anybody’s immediate response in the situation? My apologies I dident immediately “OH why HELLOOO good day sir” like no I just had to shoot a guy df

you still havent provided any proof of me “self antagging or blatant RDM” or “LYING TO STAFF IN AHELP” and the guy I attacked in maintenance was a syndie who turned n burned me with an esword so why that was reported I have no clue what your admin was thinking with that one, thats just ridiculous.

Never ONCE did I go around targeting innocent people (as someone self antagging would do)

Never ONCE did I sabotage anything in the station to put anyone in danger (as someone self antagging would do)

I never tried to assist nukies, syndies, pirates, or any form of threat to the station and you cant provide any proof that I did…because I dident. My intentions during that round where made extremely apparent even going out of my way to voice my intentions to kill pirates and save the station, station was going to shit, blood everywhere, debris everywhere, bombs going off and everything sucks, im not gonna die on that ship with a beanbag shotgun im gonna get myself into armory n stockup on weapons and that’s exactly what I did.

I DID NOT SELF ANTAG AND NEITHER WAS THAT RANDOM MURDER, itd be the easiest thing on the fucking planet if someone had that entire round recorded this would all be over in a heartbeat and I wish I could provide more evidence in my favor and I feel bad for you that I dont this was beyond a mistake your admin made and carelessness at its worst.


further followup need to be done on that note left by admin about guy in maints, the fact that not one but 2 reports on me are composed to be purposely misleading is insane.

thank you

You found/stole the warden’s PDA, used that access to impersonate the warden and gain access to several guns, then started wandering around trying to “kill pirates” as some sort of gimmick.

9 hours ago, CaptainAtlanta said:

but somebody from med spotted me n realized I wasent the warden, ended up me trying to make a less than speedy getaway in a hardsuit n the med shoved me right inside the library backroom and I turned around and shot him

Just because this person tried to stop you from impersonating someone or report you to security does not make them valid to kill when they chase you. We’d also classify breaking into the armory illicitly and grabbing a bunch of guns self-antagonism on its own.

1 hour ago, lonesoldier55 said:

You found/stole the warden’s PDA, used that access to impersonate the warden and gain access to several guns, then started wandering around trying to “kill pirates” as some sort of gimmick.

Just because this person tried to stop you from impersonating someone or report you to security does not make them valid to kill when they chase you. We’d also classify breaking into the armory illicitly and grabbing a bunch of guns self-antagonism on its own.

Other than obviously not having proof (because it dident happen) of me lying in Ahelp and RDM’ing a station citizen (because the admin lied, dont know why he’s not being held accountable)

Self antagging is an intent lol, you can classify it however you want but borderline its a catch-all phrase for not playing the way you like

bartender to go into armory

take a hardsuit n an assualt rifle

Troll around the front of cargo screaming 

“WHERE ARE TEH FOOKING PIRATES” (like yeah dude its a fucking gimmick for the round, we’re all bored as shit this games at 0.1 Dont got all robo on me acting like people dont get bored n wanna “rp” dumbshit)

people vibing or dying all around me

clowns vibing im vibing

Med walks up kills the vibe, tells me im not the warden etc etc get shoved, shoot the med (he dident die)

Woah what a wacky series of event I wonder what he wouldve done next? Blow up the station? Go on a killing spree? Like no dude, im chilling.

ive laid the serious of events bare bones and that should be more than enough but you seem more worried about justifying the Admins 2 little sentences rather than actually assessing what happend

We’re not operating on your own personal interpretation of self-antagonism. The CMO depicted here “ruining your vibe” of running around with guns threatening to kill people is a crew member trying to stop someone obviously dangerous from running around with weapons when they aren’t supposed to. I think your posts here clearly illustrate you think you didn’t do anything wrong (or didn’t do something warranting a ban at least), which isn’t the truth. 

This ban holds, you can wait it out until the 13th.


From Rejected to Ban Appeals