Banned for "metacomms"

SS14 account name: Alarmed
Ban reason: meta-comms
Date of ban: 12/18/22
Length of ban:Permanent
Events leading to the ban: [This was awhile ago but I’ll remember to the best of my ability. I was a mime running around, I noticed hops office was open and saw RD jump in and give himself aa. The Rd was my friend and I sent him a message saying I was gonna blackmail him, mostly as a joke. But he went with it and gave me aa. Of course as a mime I’m gonna cause mischief. RD had an extra comma console in his room and I went to go mess with it. I starting announcing things. Then the shuttle was called, I noticed a lot of people on radio saying to recall and even some command. So I had a recall battle with the unjust shuttle caller. Eventually an admin Messaged me and asked why he gave me aa and a bunch of other stuff. I said I blackmailed him and such, couple minutes later, I was perm banned for metacomms
Reason the ban should be removed: [Personally I don’t think this one incident of my before clean record should call for perm ban. Secondly, I’ve been playing on nyanotrasen since my van here. I’ve definitely improved in my role play. And metacomms won’t be an issue for me anymore. I’ve learned from my past mistakes and hope I could play on this server again. I am also an avid player of delta, Ive gotten better at RP, and have definitely learned.
(Resending after the date I was told)


The admin team has decided to not accept this appeal. You can appeal again after at least 2 weeks. Please do not copy/paste a near exact duplicate of your previous denied appeal as it makes it seem you lack to grasp the significance of the mistakes that were made.

Metacommunications is a strict zero-tolerance offence on our servers. It has the possibility to give you advantages over other players and could ruin the round for them. We are unable to moderate what is being said over third party communication tools, and are unaware to what extent they are being used to gain advantages in the game you normally would not have.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals