Banned for naming myself Cump Dunkadunk

Ban reason : “NSFW Name”

Length of ban : Forever and ever.

Events leading to the ban : Some fellow grey guy was hitting an armored wall with a fire extinguisher and was blasted by a sec officer so I moved them while they were cuffing which is self antiaging. This caught the attention of the admins.

Reason the ban should be removed : The name is literally meaningless its not insinuating anything its not the word cum its not NSFW. In fact I’m a bit offended as my last name is Cump in real life. I was asking the admin OliverOtter what the problem with the name was. I was cooperating trying to find out what they want me to do. He just said “Take a wild guess” and that was not very helpful. I am also distraught on the fact that he said “when you return” as if he knew that this perma ban was a load malarkey and that I would be unbanned. I think he was trying to waist my time and abuse power also I’m not joking or trying to be a funny guy about that being my last name It really is but I was willing to change it.

After review, it does not seem the name is inappropriate.

Ban will be lifted.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals