Banned for writing "cock" on a piece of paper in MRP, stamping it and putting it in a plant

SS14 account username: The Puro
Ban reason: “[MRP] Wrote “Cock” on a paper, stamped it and hid it in a plant, please explain yourself on the forum [De-Whitelisted]”
Date of ban: 5/12/23 or 5/13/23
Length of ban: Perm (?)
Events leading to the ban: I hopped on Wizard’s Den Salamander while streaming to a friend in a voice call, I was the CMO, Jaylee Behn Fox. We were chatting and he suggested a “funny idea.” The idea was to write something stupid on a paper, stamp it, then hide it. I chuckled and went with it, writing “Cock.” on a paper and stamping it, stuffing it into a plant pot in medbay, on Moose Station. Soon afterward, by about I think 15 minutes, I hopped off, remembering I had some actual things to do, besides gaming. I left the game alone after that. Then, today, the date this appeal is being submitted, I went to join Wizard’s Den Miros and discovered I was banned across most of the Wizard’s Den servers.  
Reason the ban should be removed: I’m gonna go off on a whim here. I feel like a simple De-Whitelisting from Wizard’s Den Salamander would’ve been plenty enough for my extremely stupid doing here. But, that’s really it from me. I just want to be unbanned from LRP at the least, MRP is really only fun sometimes for me, so it isn’t a big deal if I remain banned from there. Thank you.


The admin team has decided to accept this appeal.

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