= For Discord bans =
Discord account: weiweinoob#9002
Date of ban: not sure about months ago
Events leading to the ban: lolicon
Reason the ban should be removed: just a word. not a porn. (VRCHAT?)
= For Discord bans =
Discord account: weiweinoob#9002
Date of ban: not sure about months ago
Events leading to the ban: lolicon
Reason the ban should be removed: just a word. not a porn. (VRCHAT?)
I have no idea what to make of this appeal and the wording used makes it difficult to decipher. What exactly is the reason we should remove this ban.
i don understand. well i can make my own ss14 discord. without hard time talking here and fail
do u know whos the guy banned me can i know his disc name?
i does help me. making my own. anyway. i pretty much own my rule and my right aginese it. yes its a language issue
I think the language barrier here is far too significant to the point where you are unlikely to be able to comprehend the server rules or administrative intervention. If what the implication being made here is correct (again it is nearly impossible to tell due to language barrier) you seem to have the intention of simply evading the ban anyways. Denied.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals
From Ban Appeals to Discord