Ban reason: [Racial slur, Nword]
Length of ban: [Permanent]
Events leading to the ban: [I was playing a character named Ronny Ronster and he was black, I approached a man and proceeded to use the N-word (soft A) I assumed since I have done this before in RP it was alright but I was sorely mistaken. Sadly this happened a long time ago so I do not remember all the details. Also the server allowed me to enter for a long period even though I was technically banned, I assumed because of the early access game they waved all bans.]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I have been playing on the server for a good while and I believe this is my only warning, I am a good player as I try to make the game more fun for the players around me as well as myself. As for Ronny Ronster he will not be making a return to the space station for I was unaware of the error of my ways. as to my fellow space patrons I would like to humbly apologize for my foul and extreme language and it will never happen again.