Ban reason:"Metacomming with Katdog. Spoke 0 words to each other the whole shift until I messaged their friend." Length of ban:Indefinite Ban Issue: The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out:false
Events leading to the ban
My friend was trying to teach me Engi, we’re both in the same room so she was just telling me the basics. We weren’t trying to be malicious or anything, we had no idea it was that serious. It was the first and only time we’ve done that, we’re both relatively new to the game.
Reason the ban should be removed
We’re both new, we weren’t aware of the severity of it. We understand now that we can’t do that, and it was a first time offense on a New Player server. We weren’t metagaming or giving eachother unfair advantages, or even affecting other players. I thoroughly enjoy the game, and would like to be able to continue to enjoy it.
Accepting this on the basis that you’re still a relatively new player.
A note on why we treat metacomming so harshly:
Space Station 14 fundamentally has a lot of similar qualities to other deception games like Among Us or Werewolf/Mafia. All three games get ruined if someone uses external communication to share information they shouldn’t be able to.
Unlike the other two, which have rather quick rounds, shifts on the space station regularly take over an hour. The games are longer and the stakes are higher. Which means that if a player’s round gets ruined by cheating, its a bigger deal, because they’re dead or out of the game for an hour, sometimes longer.
If we catch you metacomming, we can’t confirm whether or not you had good intentions. We fundamentally don’t have access to any way you communicate outside of the game. We have to treat it with a strong hand.
Do I think you were using this for an advantage? No. I don’t think you had any malicious intent. But the ban has to be placed regardless because, even if you didn’t have malicious intent, you might have shared information that ruined someone’s round. And that isn’t OK.
Your friend is welcome to appeal separately, and you are welcome to play alongside each other- but not necessarily together- if that distinction makes sense.
I’ve also added an IP exemption to your account so that you may continue playing even though KatDog is banned.