SS14 account: Ben_Carlson
Character name: Ben Carlson
Type of Ban: Game ban perm
Date of Ban and Duration: 15 June
Reason for Ban: Speciesism
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
I am reappealing my game ban.
When I got banned I did not know that speciesism was bannable or that I was breaking a rule.
And while being banned I decided to read the rules many times.
And have read other people’s ban appeals so I don’t break the rules they have. And most of all I can say 100% that I’ve learned from my mistakes. I was later told that people had told me to stop but I could not see it in chat at the time. It was my fault and it was stupid that I even did that. That round was most likely pretty bad due to me. But I’m sure I will not do anything like that again. I want to play the game again and I’m confident that nothing like that ever happens again. I will also not be making the experience bad for others as I have come to learn. I hope I will be unbanned because I have changed the way I interact and play.