The different races of SS14 have different damage modifiers, which ones are the best for fighting?
It really depends on your fighting style, like most people will instantly say lizard, but to be honest lizard is only good for dragging away dead guys, or dragging other stuff, and the cold debuff is just not worth it.
Same with slime they get a 20% pierc and slash debuff, aka they take more damage from most weapons.
Humans are just meh, same with Dwarfs no real advantage.
Vox’s are also pretty much trash in combat with they’re weakness to air, and the poison regen doesn’t usually help in combat.
Moths and Diona are not good in combat either since any flammable weapon will basically kill them, though the Diona does take less blunt and slash but yeah still not that good.
My top picks have to be:
Arachnids since they don’t actually have a combat debuff just suffocation and food debuff’s but beside that they’re massive buff is being able to carry four items off hand, instead of two, which could be mags or other smaller size items.
Human/Dwarf since they’re just well rounded.
Lizard even though they’re massive cold weakness if you have a hardsuit that’s heated you’ll be fine and able to drag bodies or crates, etc.
Have any questions just tell me, because most species have resistance to one of the common elements or specify damage type, which can vary in combat.
Depends on where you are fighting. Slimes overall are insanely op for their little to no suffocation and barotrauma damage intake, so you can run around in winter suit (or any other insulative clothes to ignore cold) armor plus some additional stuff in semi spaced (just dont touch space tiles) env and not get most of the debuffs related to such places. Also slimes can metabolize 6 liquids at the same time, making it easier to make combat mixes for them. On top of that you regenerate health faster passively. For example, if you shoot xray at elite suit+shield it would do 1.5 heat, which will heal in 2-3s as slime naturally. Insanely good stuff but personally i still play human. Other races have their own weaknesses but maybe reptile is semi good for being able to drag bodies without taking hand slot. What you should definetly not pick if you only look at stats are moths and dionas, they get smoked by heat damage. I guess arachnids are pretty interesting in case you want to make shields mid combat.
I agree with all of the comments above except for one thing why are y’all not talking about the skeleton? It’s no competition, the skeleton is by far the best. It is hard to get since it’s a ghost role but if you do get it and you play it properly your basically impossible to kill all you really need is milk and a good weapon and to be as fast as possible since space doesn’t effect you.
i think nobody’s talking about the skeleton because the skeleton is usually not an option. it’s only available to 1-3 ghosted players per average round, so while skeletons are indeed powerful, they’re not relevant to the average player asking what species to pick for combat - acting on that information means relying on the ghost role spawning, and winning the subsequent raffle, whereas with any other species you just… spawn as that species.
That’s a fair point
Arachnid used to be blatantly better. But nowadays there really is no clear winner. They all have situational boons and weaknesses.
You really should not worry much. Combat is a very minor aspect of the game and your available gear will be several times more important for a situation than any other factor.