BetterForget - Role banned from engineering for attempting to singuloose the nukies

SS14 account username: BetterForget
Role(s): Engineering
Date of ban: 26/01/2023
Length of ban: Indefinite
Events leading to the ban: I was playing as chef until I heard on the announcement that there were no atmos, and I noticed that the heating was bad. As I got plenty of hours into engineering, as both Atation Engineer, Atmospheric Technician, and Chief Officer, I thought I could help cool down the station. As I arrived to the locker room and just got changed, there was suddenly nukies in atmos who murdered the CE and a couple other blokes. I ran out as the sole survivor, and noticed the singulo was on. I got this idea to try what a few other lads had done in the past and kill the nukies with singuloose, and let it free. It didn’t work, as the singuloose went away from the station. No damage to the station was done, and the nukies survived.
Reason the ban should be removed: Did the plan fail? Yes. Was it risky? Yes. But I’ve seen others do it before, so I am a little baffled why I am punished. If it had succeeded, I am fairly sure I would not be writing this appeal. It was not released for no reason, I might add, as that would be self-antagging. I am much aware. However, if making a singuloose is a guaranteed offense, no matter the reason, it would help future players to actually make this clear in the rules. 


I am a reasonable player, I do not grief, and if I do, those cases are mistakes at most. Like the time I released frezon in a shuttle. I did not know frezon was that harmful in small doses. I am still relatively new to the space station genre, and finding things out and trying new things is part of the fun. If it’s taboo, I will avoid it. The issue is that I need to be aware of the taboo in the first place, which is a learning process. I am sorry for the singuloose, but I think an indefinite ban from the engineering role, which is arguably the most fun role, is a little extreme when a verbal warning would suffice. Not everyone is a hardcore griefer trying to ruin others’ fun. I will not do it again.

46 minutes ago, BetterForget said:

 If it had succeeded, I am fairly sure I would not be writing this appeal.

Can I point out that the goal of nuclear operatives is to destroy the station, and if you singuloose and it eats them and the station they’ve accomplished their mission and you, as a crew member, caused a nuclear operative victory?

20 minutes ago, Rane said:

Can I point out that the goal of nuclear operatives is to destroy the station, and if you singuloose and it eats them and the station they’ve accomplished their mission and you, as a crew member, caused a nuclear operative victory?

I did not know that. I always thought nukies’ goal was just to kill the crew, which the nuke did. Not destroy the station specifically. This is what I mean by some stuff that’s obvious to long-term players is not so obvious to relatively new players.

Singuloosing to destroy the station and the nuclear operatives is effectively similar playing chess and checkmating your own king. The crew’s objective when facing nuclear operatives is to save the station from the operatives. Destroying the station to kill the operatives does not necessarily align with your goals of preserving your lives and your workplace. I’d argue that even if the nuclear operative team’s goal was to kill the crew, the singularity is extremely likely to kill large quantities of crew, which does not help your goal. It could be a situationally decent idea as a last resort, but it’s arguable whether a singuloose is more or less devastating than a nuclear blast.

Even beyond that, it isn’t really fun to be playing nuclear operative and get eaten by a singularity while you’re playing an otherwise standard round.

On 1/26/2023 at 7:11 PM, Stealth16 said:

Singuloosing to destroy the station and the nuclear operatives is effectively similar playing chess and checkmating your own king. The crew’s objective when facing nuclear operatives is to save the station from the operatives. Destroying the station to kill the operatives does not necessarily align with your goals of preserving your lives and your workplace. I’d argue that even if the nuclear operative team’s goal was to kill the crew, the singularity is extremely likely to kill large quantities of crew, which does not help your goal. It could be a situationally decent idea as a last resort, but it’s arguable whether a singuloose is more or less devastating than a nuclear blast.

Even beyond that, it isn’t really fun to be playing nuclear operative and get eaten by a singularity while you’re playing an otherwise standard round.

That is all well reasoned, I fail to understand why the admins could not communicate this with me instead of immediately swinging the ban hammer indefinitely, no discussion at all. I can only presume they assumed their common sense is everyone’s common sense, which is a fallacy. Experienced people often fail to appreciate what is normal to them is not always normal to those less experienced. I know that as a nukie, if that happened to me, I would be guffawing and singing praises to the brilliant madman who pulled it off, whereas someone with loads of hours into the game would likely be grumpy about that. At least that’s what I understand now based on your feedback.

We apologize for the delay. Consensus is to accept this appeal. Please keep your responses to station threats proportionate to the situation. Immediately destroying the entire station as soon as operatives are spotted is not fun for either side.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals

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