BigSadBandit - Banned for extrajudicial killing

Username: BigSadBandit

Banned Roles: Command and Dewhitelist from Salamander, 1 day WiDen ban

Ban reason: Banned for extrajudicial killing
Length of ban: 15 days
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

During a game playing as Chief Engineer pn WD Lizard I was killed by a traitor and revived, so I identified the traitor to command and security and continued playing, meanwhile a tesloose occurred which combined with the bombing and killings threw the station into a code red. Later in the game, I requested an officer give me a pistol to defend myself as I knew I was a target and soon after I encountered the traitor who had killed me and I was able to identify them. I killed the traitor, however what I wasn’t aware of was that he was handcuffed and being escorted by an officer. I did not recognize the accompanying officer as they were not in sec uniform and so I had no immediate indication that there was no threat, and acted in hasty self defense. In OOC chats I doubled down on my actions as justified.

Reason the ban should be removed

I fully acknowledge and accept that I acted brashly and rude in chat however this was not unfounded as I was met with similar veneer by other players and felt like I was similarly approached with hostility. As well, the situation was not like I lined them up on a wall and shot them with an illegal gun, I feel like the events preceeding lead to a more complex situation.

Again, I will not lie and say I am fully innocent, I made a very poor judgement call that was technically illegal and in OOC chats I did not act appropriately. However in the sense of the rp I feel it is excusable as human error, and further I feel that the combined response from players was inappropriate and this included further discussion of the event in following rounds.

I have had no prior infractions and value the community built in SS14, especially playing on Salamander, and feel that the punishment does not fit my side of the story. At the very least I would most like to be rewhitelisted on Salamander and unbanned from regular play, even if admins feel a command ban should remain (which I still do not feel is fair)

Alternate Accounts


(post deleted by author)

I want to further add that while I my temp ban has ended, I’m still temp banned on command and security, and dewhitelisted which I would still like to contest, not only do I have lots of experience in command and security roles and I feel I have a great track record as an effective and fair officer and commander, I also would like to say this game means a lot to me and I have a lot of fun with it, I want to be more engaged with the community and have the opportunities to play these more high engagement positions

I beg you

Ill put through the appeal with the team but the whitelisting is off and is not restored in an appeal. You must re-apply in the normal whitelisting method to have it returned.

This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to deny the appeal.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Fair ban
  • Within banning policy.

​​​​​​​Appeal Denied - Ban stands.

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