Blastadactyl - "You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN."

Username: blastadactyl

Ban reason: "You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN."
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was trying to join ss14, but I have VPN, this is my first ever time actually playing the game and I am not trying to ban evade

Reason the ban should be removed

As I previously stated I would like to play the game without removing my vpn, I have it for internet safety and will not be allowed to remove it.

Alternate Accounts

I do not own any alternative accounts because, as I stated before, I have never played this game before.

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Which VPN service are you using? We generally will not allow for a VPN exception unless theres absolutely no other choice. Some VPN services allow for split tunneling, which should allow you to connect to us directly while still using your VPN on other sites.

We can’t accept “security” as a reason to grant an exception.

I am using express vpn, and found out that it can spilt tunnel, and so I will do that, thank you for the help

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending