Discord Username: bluekiller79
Ban reason: Permanent ban for posting a weird image in general chat.
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Events leading to the ban
I was exhausted and bored out of my skull during a break at my internship, so I made a stupid decision. I found a weird image, and decided to post it on discord to trigger reactions out of people. It wasn’t anything disturbing, but it was just plain weird. I was banned immediately without warning. I am still not entirely sure what compelled me to do that, but I recognize that it was a stupid and immature decision.
Reason the ban should be removed
I did exactly what I was banned for and do not have any excuse for my behavior, but I would like a second chance. I do not consider myself to be a disruptive member of the community, and recognize that posting the image was an immature thing to do. I have over 600 hours on the Wizden servers, and have caused no issues with staff (that I am aware of). I wish to remain a productive member of the community, and reconnect with those on Discord. If my appeal is accepted, I will keep all messages and images entirely SS14 related. I will also take steps to ensure that nothing of this sort happens again. If my appeal is accepted and I ever post another one of those weird images to discord, please perma-ban me from the Wizden servers (in game and on discord).