I was thinking similar to the other play time perks you might be able to start with a larger power cell based on playtime. such as starting with a high capacity or at another mile marker start with a microreactor. just something i would like to see.
starting with Teir 3 tech is likely never going to work. however I could see something like a Gilded frame though where the steel is plate swaped to silver or gold that shines.
I’d say you should be able to choose a hat to start with
i am always picking lizard hat. and you cannot stop me.
I really like the idea, i was thinking you could choose different hats depending on play time.
EX: you would need 10 captain hours to start with the Cap Cap as a Cyborg.
sec would immedeatly ask where you got that as it is command contraband.
would probally need a “lesser” variant or mabey label it as “mass produced”
make it major contra role-restricted to borgs
Could go with something like
Replica Cap Cap
Wow just like the real thing
This would also then make it clear for Theifs that no you havn’t got your objective.
but again. make it role-restricted to borgs. just for the fun. that way people cant go around de-hatting borgs. hats are a borg’s achievements. let them keep it.
well you got to hold still for someone to take or place a hat on you, and if ordered you could complain to sec that X character stole my hat which has good RP potentiual.
also making it major contra allows detainment for up to 10 minutes. >:)
I mean i get it, a cadet might get suspicious if a borg had an HoS’ cap, but i but in the end, it’s just a hat. The HoP and Science can easily print these at mass and it would just make everyone’s life easier!
Also printed hats have a tag that don’t make them count towards Greentexts, and we can just slap that on a borg’s hat
is there a component to yeet the contra label. (or is contra a component and we just yeet that)
I do believe so, yes
I would personally prefer to have a few unique hats among the selection rather than mimicries of contraband.
Less problems for everyone while giving something actually special. It is just very arbitrary to give borgs a captain-like hat.
Another option would be to set up borgs to have alternate skins, in a similar mechanism to choosing clothing for the roles.
Nothing super drastic but maybe a orange med bot if you have lots of chemestry hours, a botany suit for the service bot and so on. And then also some other skins for playing as borg a lot.
Some SS13 servers have this, and it is pretty fun.
Mediborgs, for example, can choose between 3 medibots in a trench coat, the one we have, a humanoid shaped borg, etc.
starlight has 3 medibots in a trech coat purchassable as “real doctor” and uhh… the humanoid borgs… yeah… they… exists…