Role(s): Command, Security
Length of ban: IDK
Events leading to the ban: As captain, I stopped the HoS from putting a syndicate in perma who’s only crime was having contraband. I Arressted the HoP for attacking a handcuffed crew member while security were arresting a syndicate who allegely killed an officer. While attempting to make an announcement for an evac vote, a cadet barged into bridge and demanded I uncuff the HoP who I was going to take to brig after. The cadet refused to leave after i told them numerous times that I am about to make an announcement and they can talk to me later in brig once i get to there, because of this I demoted them and attempted to remove them from the bridge while also handling the HoP. After demoting the cadet, I took the HoP to the brig and gave them time for assaulting a handcuffed crew memeber.
Reason the ban should be removed: The ban is inappropriate because all of my actions throughout the round were consisent with server rules. Putting someone in perma just for having contraband and nothing else is extremely excessive and unwarranted when there was no harm done to crew. Head’s are not exempt from the law and attempting to kill someone who is already handcuffed should not be looked past.
I just lost a bunch of extra context I edited in because the edit timer ran out >_<
Role(s): Command, Security
Length of ban: IDK
Events leading to the ban:
As captain, I stopped the HoS from putting a syndicate in perma who’s only crime was having contraband. I Arressted the HoP for attacking a handcuffed crew member while security were arresting a syndicate who allegely killed an officer. While attempting to make an announcement for an evac vote, a cadet barged into bridge and demanded I uncuff the HoP who I was going to take to brig after. The cadet refused to leave after i told them numerous times that I am about to make an announcement and they can talk to me later in brig once i get to there, because of this I demoted them and attempted to remove them from the bridge while also handling the HoP. After demoting the cadet, I took the HoP to the brig and gave them time for assaulting a handcuffed crew memeber.
Extra context for the HoP Situation:
The crew member who I gave 10 minutes for contraband instead of perma approached me in front of HoP’s office asking for an ID because they did not recieve one after their sentence. I agreeded to give them a new id since HoP was not around. While walking into HoP’s Officer they followed me in and I had to ask numerous times for them to leave before they did so. After they did eventually leave HoP’s office, the HoP arrived and I left the task of handing out the crew members new ID. The HoP gave the crew member a new ID but instead of giving them an ID with the correct first and last name, the HoP gave the crew member an ID with the last name “gooner”. After recieving their new ID from the HoP, the crew member retaliated in response to having their last name set to “gooner” and threw an EMP inside the HoP’s office, which I assume came from a storage implant that was not taken out while they were at the brig. In retaliation, the HoP brought out a baseball bat and attempted to kill the crew member for emping them. During the chase an officer was killed by a sharpnel grenade that the crew member used. The crew member was eventually apprehended and handcuffed by security. After the crew member was handcuffed the HoP attempted to kill them with the baseball bat again. Because of this I arressted them.
Reason the ban should be removed:
The ban is inappropriate because all of my actions throughout the round were consisent with server rules. Putting someone in perma just for having contraband and nothing else is extremely excessive and unwarranted when there was no harm done to crew. Head’s are not exempt from the law and attempting to kill someone who is already handcuffed should not be looked past.
I asked an admin for my ban reason and they replied.
“Failure to maintain order/abuse of authority; as the captain, released syndies despite sec’s complains. Arressted the HoP/a cadet and demoted the warden from goign against them. This is a 7 day ban”
I believe the warden part is from a game prior to the one I talked about before.
Yesterday during a REV round I killed a head rev that attacked me in engineering. We then brought them back to brig where they were revived and sec attempted to mindshield them and it broke. The warden tried to execute the engineer before getting permission and I told them to stop, we are not going to execute them. Which they then kept complaining about not being able to kill them.
I told them over and over that I will not approve an execution and I would handle the prisoner. Eventhough I told them that I would handle the situation they did not leave and kept insiting to kill them to the point I felt as if they were gonna do it while I was dragging the prisoner to be striped of their belongings. Because of the wardens refusal to stop trying to kill a prisoner without persmission to execute them I decided to demote them.
The warden was clearly not following server rules or the chain of command rules so my decision to demote them should had been justified.
- Executions must be approved by the Captain or Acting Captain, who will answer for approving it alongside the entire Chain of Command who requested it. Executions should be a last resort if the prisoner cannot be safely contained, or for particularly destructive or damaging crimes.
I do not like executing prisoners if there’s no immediate benefit to doing so. My plan was to put the headrev in perma or a cell with a guard untill we found all the other revs so we could execute them all at the same time.
This way, the head revs would have a more enjoyable round and could be a fun RP experience.
Basically, I was trying to make the round more enjoyable for everyone while the warden was being insistent on breaking server rules.
> I felt as if they were gonna do it while I was dragging the prisoner to be striped of their belongings.
I felt this way because of prior experience with horrible players doing this exact same thing.
A while ago during a nukies round after all the nukies were killed and i decided it would be fun to revive a nukie and take them back to centcom as a trophy for the hirer ups. I was playing as the warden at this time. I have done this numerous times before and never had an issue while doing so, but during this one round the HoP barged into the brig and demanded that I execute the handcuffed nukie who I was healing inside of a cell. I explained to them that there is literally no point in executing them since we are evacing in less than a minute and they would be kept as a trophy for centcomm. At no point did they ever try to radio captain for permission to do an execution. Instead of listening the, HoP attacked me, the warden inside of brig so they could gib the nukie before evac arrived. The HoP gained literally nothing from, attacking the warden and gibbing the nukie besides making it so other players missed out on a fun RP experience similar to what happened in the game i previously mentioned. After the round was over the player who was the nukie mentioned how it sucked how they would had went along with RPing as a prisoner and was disappointed that they were gibbed by HoP.
This is the reason why I felt that the warden needed to be demoted before they had the chance to ruin a fun experience for everyone else. That, and me literally being captain and not giving them permission to execute anyone.
Related to this part of the ban reason
Failure to maintain order/abuse of authority; as the captain, released syndies despite sec’s complains.
During the round the HoS, the person who attempted to Perma a crew member for possession of contraband. Attempted to announce nukies and go to red alert. I as the captain, stopped them from doing so before they actually gave credible evidence for nukies. I asked the HoS if anyone actually saw a nukie and they said no then left the bridge.
For my part, I feel like this is the direct opposite of failure to maintain order.
This was the same HoS who attempted to put a crew member into perma just for possession of contraband, who I stopped and instead gave a sentence of 10 minutes to.
As the captain it should be within my right to stop HoS from doing anything that doesn’t make sense or is excessive.
Also, at no point throughout the round did an admin ever speak to me about anything that happened throughout the round. I believe they spawned a terminator to kill me at end of round tho.
This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.
The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:
- ban does not meet requirement
- There is not a requirement that players with contraband be perma-brigged. However, on LRP we would note that this is the expected outcome for many players.
Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.