Burrdog22 - Banned for shooting perma prisoner to death & disconnecting

Ban reason: Shooting a perma prisoner to death then disconnecting
Length of ban: until appeal
Events leading to the ban: (I don’t remember the exact details, as this ban was more than nine months ago, but i’ll say what I remember) I was playing as a security officer, running around the station until I shot someone in perma.
Reason the ban should be removed: There’s really no way to justify my behavior, what I did was not only morally wrong, as it probably ruined the player’s game, but was against rule 18. I was not an antagonist, yet I decided to abuse my power by shooting & killing another player. I have read all the server rules and recognized that what I did was wrong and could’ve affected many people’s experience. After more than six months of being banned, I believe that I am ready to play on this server again.

Added forums

From General to Game Servers

Added appeal-pending, appeal-second-chance, appeal-server-ban and removed forums, space-station-14

proccessing the appeal

apologies for the delay in processing this! we have voted to remove your ban. you should be able to log on once again and play. be careful and make sure to read the rules when joining and enjoy yourself!

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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