Caelleak - "antagrolling, ghosting at terminal"

Username: Caelleak

Ban reason: "antagrolling, ghosting at terminal"
Length of ban: Three days (4,320 minutes)
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I joined a server as Passenger so I could have a chill round and hang out. I got a text from my boss that I need to come to work as soon as I can a few seconds after I joined (I’m call-in on Tuesdays), so I sat my character into a chair and ghosted.
I did bounce around as a ghost afterwards, however, to see what I missed out on for that round, and saw a Lone Operative player, whom I spectated for a moment before leaving.
As I’m getting ready for work, my boss texts me that he doesn’t need me to come into work and someone else decided to take the job.
I try to join another server seeing as how I can no longer join that one and, lo and behold, I’m banned?

Reason the ban should be removed

I did not ghost to antag roll. I ghosted due to real life matters I had to attend to.
I don’t antag roll, I am fairly certain I actually have round-start antags OFF, and for the reason that I don’t want to play antag currently.
If my case is seen but I’m unbanned by the time the admins vote on it, I do wish for this to be stricken from my remarks.

Alternate Accounts

I have no alternate accounts, however, my roommate has an account by the name of “Christmas173”.


So, from what the connection logs are telling me.

You first connected to Grasshopper, Ghosted, And then disconnected.

You then, Five minutes later connect to Lizard, At this point, you buckle into a chair, Ghost and disconnect.

Ten minutes later, You attempt to connect to miros, encountering the ban.
You have repeated this behaviour of ghosting and disconnecting Six times today alone, although with slightly varying times.

You have a Repeating pattern of this throughout the last few days.

So how comes your story doesn’t align with what the connection logs are telling us?

If there is any additional information you would like to attach to your appeal, This would be the time to do so.

This ban has since expired.
As such I am closing off this appeal.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending