As we all know. Russans currently dominate the server browser. But what exact percentage of pepole are russan here? Today we are going to find out
so we are gonna take a few examples. Since we can’t check actual downloads. We are gonna assume that amount of pepole who installed ss14 is about 2,000 judging by steam charts. Now we are gonna compare wizden lizard with one of dead space servers (it’s not actually dead space but it’s named like that in russan) (all the images are in the bottom). As we can see, the amount of pepole on the russan server is larger by that of on the wizden by about 1/4. And if we take in count that most of russan servers have about 100 pepole playing on them. That means that the ACTUAL non russan player base is about 1/4 of the ss14 playerbase. Or 1/3. He’ll they opened about 3 erp servers while we have none. And a russan mirror of parkstation actually has players playing it at all times unlike English version. Again all of this may be kinda wrong cause there is NO way to check how much pepole installed the game and who actually plays it regularly. And about the content in them. While there are not a lot of ss14 servers. They always try to stand out (frontier and delta v for example) while about 1/2 of russan ss14 servers are just “what is security was orange?” Type of stuff.
BONUS FACT: did you know that the ss14 forum is actually a recollor of ss13 paradise station forums? You can check yourself but there are images on the bottom of this post
Something I forgot to say. Corvax (one of the biggest ss14 servers) has about the same amount of servers as wizden does. And the least player count I saw there was 20. While in some wizden servers minimum playercount is about 2
Many moons ago I went to, and took an average of the player count of every server. I think I made an average of the weekday player count averages for each server, and I get the impression that those averages are not made strictly from the most recent numbers. They might be from the servers’ entire lifetime. But I don’t know, just speculating… just meaning that, the data might not be a precise representation of our current slice of time.
Anyway, I reached the conclusion that, back then, about 80% of the players were playing on Russian and Ukrainian servers. I guess I could do that math again but zzzzzzzzz
I don’t see a problem with this. Why can’t Russians enjoy SS14 like us without being separated as a group instead of unified as players?
I didn’t say that it’s a problem. Just if you are ok with learning a foreign language and have extremely high ping to play a game you can play it I guess. Unless you live near russa. Cause a lot of pepole here don’t talk russan
I didn’t say that it’s a problem. Just if you are ok with learning a foreign language and have extremely high ping to play a game you can play it I guess. Unless you live near russa. Cause a lot of pepole here don’t talk russan
I don’t see the point of this post, then…
If you’re looking for an exact calculation of the RU:(any) ratio, then I say good luck to you. We can’t determine exactly how many people downloaded from the SS14 website, without server admin permission, anyways, and we also can’t determine the exact number of people who downloaded off of Linux apps (Flathub, apt, snap, etc.), since Linux is a popular choice for SS14 players, and is actively replacing windows for a lot of Russian users.
The project/website managers MIGHT have this info, so maybe ask them for some info.
I don’t see the point of this post, then…
If you’re looking for an exact calculation of the RU:(any) ratio, then I say good luck to you. We can’t determine exactly how many people downloaded from the SS14 website, without server admin permission, anyways, and we also can’t determine the exact number of people who downloaded off of Linux apps (Flathub, apt, snap, etc.), since Linux is a popular choice for SS14 players, and is actively replacing windows for a lot of Russian users.
The project/website managers MIGHT have this info, so maybe ask them for some info.
Yea. This whole post was made because I couldn’t stop thinking about how much russans play ss14 compared to ss13.
Are you curious about the number of Russian players, or servers? There’s certainly a bunch of Russians playing on non-Russian servers. And there’s certainly some non-Russians playing on Russian servers (Kazaks, for example).
If it’s about the server language, what’s the contrast you’re looking for? Russian and non-Russian? English and non-English? Latin script vs cyrillic script?
I didn’t say that it’s a problem. Just if you are ok with learning a foreign language and have extremely high ping to play a game you can play it I guess. Unless you live near russa. Cause a lot of pepole here don’t talk russan
I live in Russia and most of the times in online games I choose foreign (english) playerbases, cause im kinda more comfortable with it, (it even grew into being uncomfortable in russian communities), + the ping aint that bad actually. Keeping that in mind too, I’m sure I’m not the only english-speaking russian player on Wizden, you can add some more to the number
On 10/24/2023 at 12:49 PM, thepoisonedlocust said:
I live in Russia and most of the times in online games I choose foreign (english) playerbases, cause im kinda more comfortable with it, (it even grew into being uncomfortable in russian communities), + the ping aint that bad actually. Keeping that in mind too, I’m sure I’m not the only english-speaking russian player on Wizden, you can add some more to the number
Yea that makes the non English speaking playerbase even larger