The admin team has made changes to the rules following this Request for Feedback and they will be rolling out to all servers shortly. You can find the new rules here
Changes to Global Rules
The don’t be a dick rule has been extended to say that you should not interact negatively with ssd/afk players. Doing so to perform an objective, or a duty is exempt from this change.
Changes to Rules on Salamander
Restrictions on the use of looc have been tightened. You may not use looc unless it is the only way to properly teach another player about something in game.
Powergaming has been readded as a rule on MRP. You need to be able to justify your actions in character.
The rule on not abandoning your role is now more strictly enforced. You should not be spending more time in game neglecting your duties than performing them. Antagonists are free to ignore this to do their objectives.
The Stick to your Role rule is more strictly enforced. You should not be constantly switching out your job, or be doing the job of others.
Antagonists may no longer make the shuttle uninhabitable in order to complete their objectives. Die a Glorious Death is exempt from this.
Same standard as mass sabotage. If it makes a large part of the shuttle uninhabitable or otherwise kills an excessive amount of people that’s not proportional to your objective then don’t do it.
I dont think the changes to looc are a good idea. ive heard there was issues with looc in the past but ive never experienced it. the way its worded though will make it so its almost never used at all. i think this is far too strict. looc certainly has its place in the game.
I also think the abandoning your role and stick to your job rules are an over reach… these are issues that should be handled in character, not by admins. this seems like it could limit the RP a decent bit… However i guess it all comes down to the admins enforcing it. im just afraid that this is laying the ground work for rules being too strictly enforced and causing negative outcomes for the players.
I can second that i have never seen any issues in LOOC, not even in LRP.
You are already unable to use it while crit. And it serves as a good way to talk about OOC issues like “i lagged out” or “this may be bugged”. And maybe these are still allowed under the new ruling. But it can go further than that.
I just hope this is used as a way to scare people and make it clearer the stance on exploiting LOOC rather than an actual case of banning any LOOC message that is not for teaching the game.
From what I seen its okay to make the occasional comment in LOOC like “heading bathroom” or “getting a quick drink” as long as you follow it or preceed it with something in character like “think i’ll do the daily wordle on break back in five” I think the LOOC rule is to stop full conversations about general things. the idea being when in MRP your meant to be in character the whole shift and that kinda thing should be kept for spaces like the forums or post game.
Ah, yeah. I understand what you mean.
I have seen that a couple of times before. I don’t understand why it is bad. But i can understand if some people find it disruptive.
It sure feels weird to have such a standard in LRP tho. Where the metashield is pretty much a suggestion. But i don’t think it is a big deal if the LOOC convos go away either.