something that would allow borgs to “drink” bottles of any chemical to add it to a internal chem master. this would probally unlocked the same time as the avanced treatment module.
also the module comes with a syringe and beaker (the beaker cannot be removed from the internal chem master, but you can still draw from it when it is in the chemaster)
just gives cyborgs more to do. and would be good for on-the-fly chem mixing.
me omw to give the chem borg a glass of water
But honestly, this would be fun. Let borgs act like a mini chem dispenser.
the way i see it this allows a borg player to assist with chems effectively. giving this chem module the ability to pick up and drop jugs would also be great so they can move finished chems over to the chem locker.
There actually was a chemborg in 13th. And if they got emaged oh boy the fun times would start. Free mindbreaker for everyone!
i would probally tell them to start injecting razorium into people imma be honest
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Being able to interact with the chemaster/grinder/etc. in some way would be excellent for the mediborg. You can get away with mixing the jugs from the Chem vendor with your default syringe to make medicines but having no way to isolate compounds or grind reagents makes things very tricky if there’s no chemist on station to help you.
Perhaps changing the Borg interaction mechanics to allow inserting objects like beakers into the existing equipment is a good solution rather than needing to research an onboard chemistry module?