Chetmasterson - shittery

SS14 account: Chetmasterson
Character name: Lionel Pickler, Saigon Jim
Type of Ban: Game Ban.
Date of Ban and Duration: not sure date, sometime in august? It says it was only supposed to be for 12 hours
Reason for Ban: Leaving all morgue trays open to actively try and build up a room of miasma towards the end of the round. They’ve been around long enough to know better, 12 hour ban || Banning admin: Retequizzle " This Ban isa appeal only
Server you were playing on when banned:  Lizard
Your side of the story: I was being a goof, I was’t trying to hurt anyone I was just bored and at the end of the round I wanted to see how many diseases I could gift myself with. But I get why I was banned, I was being a bit of a troublemaker and honestly kind of a dick to other players. 
Why you think you should be unbanned: After that ban, I decided to take a break from SS14. I think I’ve matured a little and I want to give the game another shot. I’ve been playing Nyanotransen in the last few weeks, and I think I know what the difference between playing as the heel vs self antagging is. I like to play as an absolutely dubious little creature but honestly, I don’t want to hurt other players doing so. I’m glad that I took a break after my summer ban because it gave me some time to reflect on my play style, reflecting what’s appropriate and what’s not. 

12 hours ago, Chetmasterson said:

I’ve been playing Nyanotransen in the last few weeks, and I think I know what the difference between playing as the heel vs self antagging is.

Consultation with the nyanotrasen administration suggests otherwise, as in the last three weeks you’ve received numerous warnings and bans on that server.

You may appeal again in a month. You don’t need a voucher but if you’re going to name drop a server as proof that you’ve improved the expectation is that you’ve been playing well there, not that you’ve been causing the same level of trouble.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals