Username: ChiefChaw
Ban reason: "Blowing up welding tanks, lying in ahelp"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: true
Events leading to the ban
I was still new to the game, and thought I was being funny. Which just so I’m clear, was not okay or funny.
Reason the ban should be removed
I am honestly embarrassed that I was that stupid and that irresponsible. WizDen is a great community that I, in my own idiocy, did something wrong just to try to be the class clown. I greatly enjoy this community and want nothing more than to come back. I am a man of my word when I say I will NEVER do anything that stupid, disrespectful, or wrong in this amazing community.
SS14 has rapidly become one of my favorite games, putting in hours and hours across many servers since my ban. I have learned and grown as a person since my well deserved ban, and I yearn to return to one of the greatest communities. I don’t want any dark marks on my record when it comes to a game I regularly put hours upon hours into.
WizDen I miss you and I just ask for an ounce of forgiveness and I will never NEVER act disruptive in your community again. I continue to repeat myself, and the same phrases with the hope that can underscore how badly I actually feel about this.
On everything I love I have turned a new leaf. Please allow me back.