Clarification on Closet Skeletons classification as a "Foreign Invader"

Currently, Space Law’s section classifying what is considered a “Foreign Invader” does not include Closet Skeletons.

After a round having a Closet Skeleton executed for “Grand Theft” and a number of petty crimes, the lack of clarification in Space Law on if it applied to the Skeleton or not caused a great deal of confusion. The crew almost turned against Security and the Captain, along with an internal dispute among the Warden and Head of Security where the Warden’s job was threatened for refusing to execute the Skeleton.

Nairod in the SS14 discord’s #Admin-Questions channel (link) had stated.

“Unless the skeleton was handed an ID and considered a passenger or greater by the HoP or Captain, they can be labeled a foreign invader.”

To avoid any potential riot’s over public executions of Closet Skeletons for petty crimes, Space Law should be updated to reflect Nairod’s statement of classifying them as a Crewmen bound by Space Law only upon legally receiving an ID. Alternatively, an exception to Closet Skeletons could be made since they originate from the station itself and lore wise are likely a deceased Crewman. Either decision should also address nuances with granting Crewman-ship such as having a Skeleton’s Crew status revoked, etc.

I agree. Space Law should have a section regarding giving outside individuals crewmanship, and how this can be taken away, if allowed. Right now, foreign individuals gain crew status when they are given an ID that belongs to them, as stated by Nairod (link):

The moment you give a non-crew member an ID as the captain or HoP you are labeling them as crew.

This then fully protects them under Space Law.

Previous rulings on skeletons have already been made, with the current ruling deeming Skeletons a foreign invader unless given crewmanship as previously discussed.

The problem is that these rulings are currently not in Space Law, and it’s causing a fair amount of confusion and chaos, and hey, that’s what Space Station 14 is about, but this line needs to be drawn if it’s almost causing mutinies and revolutions. Another question to ask is can crewmanship be revoked, and how does this work?

These questions should be answered and incorporated into Space Law.

Added wizden-servers

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