Clown resprite

- resprite
- old

I started clown resprite, and while drawing I noticed that his legs are twisted(?) in the back and front.

- This is what it looks like if I fix this mistake.
The question arises - should I leave the corrected version of the boots or the old but more iconic one?


To be honest this looks good, it adds a bit more age to the clown, but I personally like this picture more with the new shoes, they genuinely look like clown shoe’s.

The only thing I think looks a bit off are the yellow straps on his shirt, maybe make them blue and I don’t know if its just me but his neck looks a bit long.

But everything else is awesome man, keep it up, maybe try Mime or Janitor next.

They are yellow on the jumpsuit itself, and if the clown wears a backpack, the stripes are blue. I personally find this detail cool, so to me it doesn’t seem like such an important thing

Thanks for your feedback!

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