ColaMan - User was on multiple servers at once waiting for antag roles

Username: ColaMan

Ban reason: User was on multiple servers at once waiting for antag roles
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

Before the ban, I joined both US East 1 and US East 2 as an observer to hopefully get a ghost role. I was not aware that this was against the rules, as (as far as I know) it isn’t stated in the rules in-game that joining multiple servers at once is a bannable offense. I found a role I liked in one of them, a derelict cyborg, and closed the other game so i could dedicate myself to playing the role. Some time later, an admin contacted me and informed me that what I was doing was in violation of the rules and I was banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

I genuinely did not know that this was against the rules. Though I know there is a rule against having multiple accounts or abandoning a role in-game to roll antag, I couldn’t find anything on whether connecting to multiple servers with the same account was wrong so I just assumed it was fine. Now that I know, I am more than willing to comply and stay only on one server when I play. I know that I received a small ban recently related to antag-rolling that was due to noncompliance on my part, but this time it was genuinely just due to my misunderstanding of the rules. And, even if unknowingly, I did break a rule, so I am happy to have a temp ban instead if you feel that is appropriate.

Alternate Accounts

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And as an aside: Though it isn’t directly related to my ban appeal, I think it would be a good idea to include information in the rules about joining multiple servers and waiting for ghost roles is against the rules. The closest rule, “Do not abandon your role”, says nothing about joining multiple servers as an observer. At the very least, it may be worth adding an example to prevent others like me from unknowingly breaking this rule.

Hi, is this appeal still being processed?

It is, I’m sorry for the delay. Your appeal is currently caught up in some back-end review stuff.

I appreciate your explanation, I’m very sorry that this appeal was caught in the backlog for so long, and I’m lifting the ban. Welcome back! :smiley:

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending