Username: ColaMan
Ban reason: User was on multiple servers at once waiting for antag roles
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Events leading to the ban
Before the ban, I joined both US East 1 and US East 2 as an observer to hopefully get a ghost role. I was not aware that this was against the rules, as (as far as I know) it isn’t stated in the rules in-game that joining multiple servers at once is a bannable offense. I found a role I liked in one of them, a derelict cyborg, and closed the other game so i could dedicate myself to playing the role. Some time later, an admin contacted me and informed me that what I was doing was in violation of the rules and I was banned.
Reason the ban should be removed
I genuinely did not know that this was against the rules. Though I know there is a rule against having multiple accounts or abandoning a role in-game to roll antag, I couldn’t find anything on whether connecting to multiple servers with the same account was wrong so I just assumed it was fine. Now that I know, I am more than willing to comply and stay only on one server when I play. I know that I received a small ban recently related to antag-rolling that was due to noncompliance on my part, but this time it was genuinely just due to my misunderstanding of the rules. And, even if unknowingly, I did break a rule, so I am happy to have a temp ban instead if you feel that is appropriate.