Crew Monitoring Console tracker circles color should reflect health of person tracked

Each person on the crew monitoring console has a green little dot to indicate their location. I feel like it would be a good QoL change for those green dots to instead be the same color as their health, such as orange when poor or red when bad.

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From Feedback to Feature Requests

Added space-station-14

On at least of maps HoP can keep this monitor open 24/7 in his office, this change will basically immediately out any antag activity very easily, we already have people glued to monitors after all rather than just checking it every now and then.

I feel this can be too big of antag nerf to just shrug it off as QoL change.

And to add to this, since UI was improved to be MUCH better and how everyone with 4/4 tracker is visualized at nearly all times was reason for paramedic nerfs of making handheld crew monitors CMO only thing AND killing the research for it entirely.

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