It would be SUPER helpful if the criminal records computer sorted people by what status they are currently put as (suspect, wanted, detained). That or something like the secwatch pda program from delta v that just lists anyone that is marked suspicious or wanted and why.
Added space-station-14
This is exactly what would improve the sec experience.
the fact that sec can only see vague and possibly out of date icons by peoples ID is infuriating for both sides.
as sec you don’t know if the person you just arrested is the guy who bombed atoms or just some bloke who stole a Sec HUD, which can create confusion and waste valuable time during emergencies.
as crew you get stopped and taken to sec just for having a suspected or questioning icon. and the officer can’t even give you an explanation past “well the hud shows an icon, so lets go”
while I’m not familiar with sec watch if it’s what I think it is then I would be an absolute boon for the station.
i wholeheartedly support adding more PDA apps
It’s really nice. You open secwatch on your pda and then you just a get a nice contained list of anyone marked sus or wanted with the listed reason. not sure if it marks detained or paroled crew as I didn’t play much delta v before realizing it wasn’t for me.
It really would make the player experience better in general for all the reasons you listed as well as making sec officers not feel like they have to be as hyper aware of comms to have any idea what’s going on.