CuteBoi - Lying in Ahelp

Username: CuteBoi

Banned Roles: HOS, 7 Days

Ban reason: Lying in Ahelp
Length of ban: 1 Day
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

We had a clown that was repeatedly breaking out of containment in brig and was giving the warden a lot of grief. He eventually broke out of perma multiple times. Ward was getting really upset and asked if I could execute to which i told him only on caps approval.

Both me and the Ward said we heard captain give approval for the execution. Someone even made an announcement on the announcement council that if they turned themself in, they would be granted forgiveness and not executed. It may have been we misheard the captain due to the commotion going on in sec, (Bombings, tiders running in), but ward and I both thought we had permission to execute from cap. Even the lawyer who was present at the execution said something along the lines of, “This is perfectly legal”.

Afterwards the warden came and arrested me. Cap told me he didnt arrest me. I was gonna keep talking to cap and explain the situtation but the dog wanted to be let out so i had to SSD, which i said in game. I let the dog back in and I was banned for Lying in Ahelp.

Reason the ban should be removed

I think the admin may have thought i was lieing because there was miscommunication between me warden and the cap. I would never try to lie to an admin because I would like to keep my credibility, even if it means me admitting to breaking the rules. I would rather take any punishment up front if I did something wrong because if I follow rules improperly as it can ruin others playtime.

I think I read in the Ahelp that I had fired someone as command before and executed without permission. Both of those situations I learned from and I try my best not to repeat those mistakes. I honestly thought cap had approved execution, or I would not have issued it to the clown.

(Edit) I accidently deleted the old post by fat fingering the delete button, so here is me reposting the original post

Here is some screenshots I was able to gather. I would gather more but I have to go to bed and the ingame replay is kinda slow.


Alternate Accounts



Just an update on this one. I talked to the captain involved (Lizbeth Walker) on discord. They tried posting on my ban appeal but were not able too, so they just sent me this. If you need to contact them im sure they would not mind.

I think my old appeal was put in denials and I was told to make a new one but I already did haha.

Closing this off as has expired.

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