Username: Cy4n1de
Ban reason: "You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN."
Length of ban: Until VPN is turned off
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned
Vote Opt-Out: true
Events leading to the ban
I got SS14 a while ago and finally decided to play so when I tried to join a server it told me I was banned for connecting through a data center or VPN. I am not using a VPN to my knowledge; Hamachi, which I used for private server hosting, could be affecting my connection. I uninstalled it via Control Panel and it gave me the same message so I don’t know what to do from here. The full ban message said that it can only be removed via appeal so from what I can gather, even if it was the problem and it was resolved, I have no way of knowing. I joined the SS14 discord for help, and someone named “AdmiralObvious” told me to submit an appeal, which need to be looked into by the “BEAM” team. If there is another VPN service blocking me then I’ll need to find out what that would be but I have no idea where to begin on that.
Reason the ban should be removed
While I understand why this type of ban exists in the first place, it’s not my intention to use a VPN and I have no idea where the problem came from in the first place. I’m hoping to just find wherever the problem is, fix it, and start playing.