D3adNyte - "Preparing for EORG was warned once already. spaced evac and showed no empathy"

Username: D3adNyte

Ban reason: "Preparing for EORG was warned once already. spaced evac and showed no empathy"
Length of ban: 12 hours
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

I put a seismic bomb on the medbay/sec wall on evac, that when went off, only destroyed the wall between these 2 rooms, did NOT space the ship, or even medbay or sec, as the admin lied about me doing, and the other warning i got earlier was for a completely different incident involving shooting someone, without killing them, and was roleplay friendly.

Admin also claimed that i “killed 20 people” which is a blatant lie

Reason the ban should be removed

i did not do what he claimed i did. he claimed i spaced evac, i did not space evac, claimed i killed 20 people, (its not on the ban message but he said that to me) i did not infact kill 20 people.

Alternate Accounts

This ban has expired since the appeal has been made, on 2024-05-28T00:00:00Z. Closing off.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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