DarkLord75253 - The ban reason is: Displaying toxicity against command after being rolebanned for showing incompetence as a SL, calling them incompetent and referring to the situation as a "fucking smeer job."

Username: DarkLord75253

Banned Roles: Squad Leader

Ban reason: The ban reason is: Displaying toxicity against command after being rolebanned for showing incompetence as a SL, calling them incompetent and referring to the situation as a "fucking smeer job."
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I made a mistake jumping into the Squad Leader role too soon. I recognized the mistake and tried to make it right instead of getting my whole squad killed. I tried to pass command to the second in line. In response for trying to make it right, the hammer came down on me more. The role ban was fair and even lenient which I politely accepted. Afterwards one of the more experienced veterans made snide passive aggressive comment that mad me angry and I snapped. It was not appropriate and I do sincerely apologize for the toxic outburst as well as the foolish and disruptive mistake of trying to jump to SL too soon. I’m absolutely willing for the role ban to stick, but I would like to be un-perma-banned to at least keep playing. I won’t let my feelings cause a disrespectful outburst to happen again and I won’t make the same foolish mistake twice.

Reason the ban should be removed

I’m still very new, ~3 days in. I instantly fell in love with the game and the community, which is what lead to my over zealous attempt at a SL position. This is all one big bundled mess, the first, and the last such issue from here on. I have always been one to believe in second chances and I don’t expect a third. I’m only asking for a redux from permanent ban, even if that does include a probationary period of close observation. The repeal of the role ban is kind of moot, because I wouldn’t be audacious to try again until I’m sure I’ve taken the proper steps up the ladder as well as sought the credible advice whether I’m ready to try again.

Alternate Accounts


Closing this, as this appears to be a appeal for RMC14, which Wizard Den does not admin for.

Here is the link to their discord so you can appeal properly

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