Darkrier- Multiple rule 2 Violations/ Sexual Content


Multiple rule 2 violations/ sexual content, ERP


Length of ban: Unspecified 

The events leading up to my ban was when i was a security officer than I used the Suicide Command and became the Captains PAI, Then the captain I think took my off the PAI and i was ssd for a little while, In the Ghost Roles I saw that i could become a giant tarantula and I and when I used my Webs Ability While using the emotes Channel I said that I was cumming while doing impling that the webs were made using erotic ways, and i did this numerous times because i Did not realise that this was a clear violation of the Ingame/ Server rules.

I think that the ban should be removed because I was unaware of the rules and it was my first time doing something of this kind and I was unaware taht this was a clear rule break of rule 2.

You are forced to read the rules for at least 45 seconds when you connect. The rule you violated is (as the number implies) very close to the top of the “ZERO TOLERANCE RULES”.

2 hours ago, lonesoldier55 said:

You are forced to read the rules for at least 45 seconds when you connect. The rule you violated is (as the number implies) very close to the top of the “ZERO TOLERANCE RULES”.

For me this does not occur and it just sends me straight to the game without letting me read the rules

To clarify, the rules will appear the first time you connect.

Admin consensus is to accept this appeal. Please be aware that your ignorance of the rules is no excuse. I strongly suggest you read them again the next time you play. The next appeal ban will only be appealable after 6 months with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals