Username: Devalu
Banned Roles: Security/Command
Ban reason: Banned from Secuirty/Command
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
Theres like 6 months of generally aggrivating bahaviour on my part. I think in the end the thing that did was particularaly agressive paperwork, but before that there was a lot of being Ahelped by others. It was a ban for compounding thingies done by me 6-12 months ago including an unauthed execution and eating a borg brain and uhh others. (i dont quite remember)
i dont know how to check note history (sorry) so i cant give full details
Reason the ban should be removed
I feel a lot better as a person that the time i got banned. there WAS a pattern of agressive behaviour on my part and i think that i have moved past that in the half year since i was banned.
I am now employed and on meds. I feel a lot happier in my general life and hope it reflects in my gameplay and RP with other players.
also i have the single greatest forum post of all time under my name so hopefully that helps .