Diamondhorne - "LOOC "I am actually homophobic asf but I dont say shit to people bc im nice" " This ban will only be removed via appeal. (over character limit)

Username: diamondhorne

Ban reason: "LOOC "I am actually homophobic asf but I dont say shit to people bc im nice" " This ban will only be removed via appeal. (over character limit)
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

It was a nukie round and someone made a homophobic comment and i was making a joke going WOWWWWW HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT etc. and i decided to play along in looc to provoke a reaction

Reason the ban should be removed

This was extremely immature and I have no real hate to the way people feel, I am expected to speak like that around my family so it slipped through the filter.
I am extremely sorry and it will not happen again

Alternate Accounts

I wanted to add this isn’t something I would usually say to people on the internet. And I deeply apologize for this and if i am appealed I’ll be forever in your debt

After internal discussion, we have decided to accept your appeal and reduce it one month from the date of ban.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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