Dictatorputski#7798 Impolite reaction on a progress report


Discord account: Dictatorputski#7798
Banning admin: (still)N/A
When was the ban: Still not sure of the exact date, but it was likely sometime in the last few months
Your side of the story: Well, I have a slight feeling that no matter what I say here, ill likely be regarded poorly for it, but yes it is true that I added to that reaction on that trans cape progress report thing, (though I certainly didn’t instate it.) I saw the whole thing about the people being honest here so ill be frank: My thought behind it was more towards something ill explain below.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Look, I’m no transphobe or what have you, I wouldn’t go out of my way to actually inconvenience or yank anyone’s chains because of this that or the other. My real issue with that report was more an expression of my gripes towards the culture of mass inclusivity than anything else. You may say “oh it’s a harmless cape, nobody’s inconvenienced by it”, so how come I was permabanned for a simple, single, digital, non-vocal reaction?

I could have perhaps understood a warning, or even a temporary kick or something. But a full, thorough rooting of my presence, for a poop emoji?? I’m assuming I’m not the only one who was banned for this too. Now, I don’t want to be mean, or sound like an asshole and neither do I want to start a social debate in the replies, but isn’t it just kind of paranoid? I make great rounds in the game, I have plenty of fun with it, people enjoy my characters and me theirs, and practically most I do in the discord is lurk anyhow, I hope you see my reasoning.

Anything else we should know: Nonetheless, if I somehow managed to ruin somebody’s day completely with that, it was not my intention at all and I apologise, and in fact would like a talk out of interest if possible.

There are several transgender people in the community and on the team who do not appreciate your reaction calling them shit for existing. I don’t understand why you believe you deserve a warning for that.

We’ll discuss this internally.

I would like to say that this is a rather large leap in logic, considering my post. If I wanted to say that (which I certainly don’t), I would of been more concise on it, if that makes sense.

To me this felt more akin to blowing a quiet, barely serious raspberry at something that bothered me enough to do it, but not enough to actually protest against it.

17 hours ago, DictatorPutski said:

Why you think you should be unbanned: Look, I’m no transphobe or what have you, I wouldn’t go out of my way to actually inconvenience or yank anyone’s chains because of this that or the other. My real issue with that report was more an expression of my gripes towards the culture of mass inclusivity than anything else.

I could have perhaps understood a warning, or even a temporary kick or something. But a full, thorough rooting of my presence, for a poop emoji??

I’ll be entirely honest with the motivation behind making the post to begin with. Primarily the idea was to say ‘we are trans-inclusive enough to put something like this in the game, and we are not unwilling to say that out loud.’

The first effect this has is to help people with certain identities feel safer in the community (we got DMs afterwards thanking us for the post and that it was nice to see that the remake is going this direction), and the second is to expose people who aren’t dumb enough to be vocally transphobic, but are transphobic enough that seeing the trans flag received positively pisses them off. Once that’s done, we can go through and remove them from the community pretty simply, because we do not want them here in any form.

Your case obviously falls in the latter, and as such this appeal will be unanimously denied.

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