Discord account: fireice27 247616551908278272
Date of ban: Cannot recall
Events leading to the ban: At the time I was trying to unlock all jobs available. The command job requirement times kept increasing in a poor attempt to reduce players from abusing command roles. I became quite upset when I finally unlocked the final command role and the next day it was locked to me, because the times increased twice fold. So I went to the discord to find out why and it boiled down to moderators who couldn’t handle the slog that was herding cats in LRP servers, complaining about the amount of times they had to command ban people so they made the roles arbitrarily harder to obtain and stations went without even Captains, and Heads of Security, etc. With rage and vitriol I stroked my keyboard to blast a rude complaint in the general chat without using too vulgar language. I started lambasting the moderators for making the game arbitrarily harder without pointing out names because everyone already knew who they were. I used words such as ‘pansy’ ‘baby’ ‘complainer’ ‘fucker’ or something along those lines, I don’t quite remember. I was swiftly bombarded by staff members who did not care to remember that I didn’t actually do anything wrong. I’m half sure someone started quoting rules at me that I couldn’t actually complain without being nice enough.
Reason the ban should be removed: While I do understand a temporary ban, I fail to see why a permanent ban was necessary because I hurt multiple someone’s feelings. If maybe I was using slurs and hateful labels, sure. However it has been some time since I was banned and I didn’t care to record or remember when it happened. I only wish to return to the discord to keep up on eventful posts, call upon staff to help with game questions, and read about someone telling me to actually help code and develop the game when I make a suggestion. I also believe it has been long enough that the ban is no longer necessary