Discord ban for saying word "mommy"

Discord account: jurgenhabicht#0
Date of ban: 23/02/2024
Events leading to the ban: Randomly said the word “mommy” in chat, which didn’t refer to anyone
Reason the ban should be removed: This ban is unjustified, like other warnings and such. (Sending emojis which are in discord and just saying word mommy doesn’t break any rules, if mods just get pinged, they don’t care about situation, they time out me when they don’t know situation)

to be exact, I just opened chat, said the word “mommy” for fun and giggles, guy pinged entire mod team, just because I said 1 word “mommy” which didn’t even refer to anyone


Sorry for the extended delay, the moderation team has decided to reject this appeal. You may reappeal two weeks from now.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Ban Appeals to Discord