SS14 account: Doctorpurplebottom
Character name: Mike Cade
Type of Ban: game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: date (unsure of when. i was unsure how to get unbaned for a long time) perm ban
Reason for Ban: “Premeditated chem bombing of science. Left during questioning. Banning admin Stealth16”
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizard’s Den Lizard [US West]
Your side of the story: tripped with expolisives i was planning to throw into space cause well danger boom. and then my power went out during questioning
Why you think you should be unbanned: i never got a chance to defend my case. and plus this game is fun
Anything else we should know: not to my knowledge
You attempted to use an alt account to bypass your ban.
This is not allowed, appeal again in a week.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals