Ban reason: “telling another player to “bend over” for a “more intensive search”. this is a violation of our zero-policy sexual content/ERP rules.”
Length of ban: Indefinite
Events leading to the ban: I late-joined the round as a security cadet. The station was at that point filled with small NPC-lizards. After patroling for a bit and returning to sec, I saw a naked lizard-man appear. I tried to arrest them for being within security but they resisted telling that they were hunted down by a silicon for being non-crew after they just matured from a lizard. After telling them, that I needed to cuff and search them for generel safety. They complied and told me that they were naked, which I quickly realised. Not wanting to seem stupid, I said I needed to do a more intese search, referring to the fact, that some people smuggle stuff in their bodies. I then told them to bend over, followed by “Just kidding”. After that I took them to HoP and they became crew. The ban took effect shortly after.
Reason the ban should be removed: I didnt fully think through the sexual implications that this search would pose, especially after the history of the lizard-man. I only thought of it as a joke and not of ERP or a sexual act. I get it now that niether jokes nor any other circumstance allow for sexual content, not even remotely implied. That being said, I find a perma game-ban a bit harsh. Judging from other cases, I think a ban for 5-15 days from now on seems more appropriate. One might argue that this was harsh sexual assault, as I was in a position of power, but I didnt intend it to seem this way. I apologise for my behavior, I hope the other player took it rather lightly.